We are delighted to announce that the Ann Arbor Youth Chorale has received another very generous grant from the Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor Foundation. The grant supports AAYC’s need-based tuition scholarships for the 2021-22 season and also for Concert Choir’s proposed performance tour of Northern Michigan in early 2022. Ours was one of dozens of applications chosen for funding, an honor for which we are extremely grateful. Sincere thanks to our friends at Kiwanis!
You can read about the grant program here (we're listed as “A2 Youth Chorale”): https://a2kiwanisfoundation.org/groups-we-support/.
Please also support Kiwanis's efforts to help children in our community by donating items to and shopping at the Kiwanis Thrift Sale just off Jackson Road at 100 N. Staebler Road, 1 mile west of Zeeb Rd. Details at http://www.kiwanissale.com. The space is huge, which means LOTS of great items for sale at excellent prices!
